Assist. Prof. Gözde Gül Şahin, receives the first-ever Wikimedia Research Fund, with a total of 40.000 USD, throughout 01.06.2024 – 31.05.2025, granted to a Türkiye-based group by Wikimedia Foundation with her project on terminology-grounded translation.

This project addresses the gap between the escalating volume of English-to-Turkish Wikipedia translations and the insufficient number of contributors, particularly in technical domains. Leveraging domain expertise from collaborative terminology dictionary effort, she plans to implement a pipeline system to enhance translation quality. Her focus is on bridging academic and Wikipedia communities, creating datasets, and developing natural language processing models for terminology identification and linking, and terminology-aware translation. The aim is to foster sustained contributions from both communities and improve the overall quality of Turkish Wikipedia articles.

Wholehearted congratulations to Assist. Prof. Gözde Gül Şahin for her outstanding achievement and best wishes for her continued success.